If you're v-syncing, this can represent a lot of time.

There's an explanation for this: having the window thread busy with rendering means that it can't process input messages until the video routines return. In certain circumstances it can lead to extremely bizarre input lag, I don't mean the kind of lag that some people say they "feel", but the one that persists during seconds after leaving the joystick/mouse alone. There's an additional problem with the -mt feature of base line MAME.
Anyway, it's no surprise the Windows patch was not admitted, as it somewhat defeated the whole multithreading idea (in case this was ever a good idea, I mean, having window and core threads decoupled): Chris Kennedy (bitbytebit) and I noticed this in 2011, so patches for both SDL and Windows were submitted, however only the SDL patch was admitted. Yes, I agree the -mt feature in base line MAME is flawed. Anyway, the tests I did with high speed video where all done with multithreading enabled. How this can actually improve input responsiveness has always been a matter of faith, but if you say you can notice it, I believe you. This means the window is always "open" to process input events, because the wait for vsync job is performed by the video thread. However, unlike base line MAME, GroovyMAME uses separate threads for video rendering and window message processing (input events). So regarding performance, it should be the same as running in a single thread. Of course, when running with v-sync enabled, which is the normal case with GroovyMAME, this performance difference is sacrified as we force the emulation thread and the video thread to run synced, so one waits for the other to finish.
The marginal difference in performance between running with or without multithreading is due to the game thread being free to go on with emulation of next frame while the thread that deals with the video update is still busy drawing last frame. Since GM has introduced the "-nomt" as the default with the latest release, I'm wondering if that's been the correct choice? Especially when it seems to have such a large impact on the effectiveness of frame_delay. I didn't realise the multithreading option could make such a big difference. This would make sense as a frame_delay of 7 is way too big when unthrottled speed is only 250%. When I run both case 1 and 2 throttled ("-throttle"), the normal way of playing games, then I'm experiencing input delay for case 1 and not for case 2. "mame gradius2 -nothrottle -mt -waitvsync -v": 1500%

"mame gradius2 -nothrottle -nomt -waitvsync -v": 250%Ģ.

When measuring unthrottled speed I get:ġ. Konami Sound Catalog Vol.I was noticing some input delay issues while using frame_delay of 7 on some drivers, which used to run perfectly previously, so I investigated a little further and found that -nomt seems to be the reason. Konami Special Music Golden Treasure Chest Super Famicom Magazine Volume 1 - New Game Sound Museum Gradius IV Fukkatsu Original Game Soundtrack Kukeiha Club & Konami Kukeiha Club Best Vol.1
Ports Consoles Nintendo Super Famicom (1991) Sony PlayStation 2 (2000, "Gradius III & IV") Sony PSP (2006, "Gradius Collection") Computers Sharp X68000 Soundtrack Releases Album Name Staff Director Hiroyasu Machiguchi Game Programmers T.

Gradius III - Densetsu Kara Shinwa-e (1989).Nemesis 3 - The Eve of Destruction (1988, MSX).In game, hold Service Switch (Coin 3 = Key 7 in Mame) then press 1P Start Button.Turn Odd Number Dip Switches except Dip 1-5 AFTER boot up.You will then be taken either to Salamander stage 1 or Gradius stage 1. In Stage 10, when you are at the last boss of the game, get hit by the boss' attack that comes out of its mouth. Tips And Tricks Play First Level Of "Salamander" Or "Gradius" Konami released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Gradius Arcade Soundtrack - KMCA-155) on. This game is known outside Asia and Japan as "Gradius III". The subtitle of this game translates from Japanese as 'From Legend to Myth'. Gradius III - Densetsu Kara Shinwa-e is an arcade video game shoot-em-up. 1.2.1 Play First Level Of "Salamander" Or "Gradius".